DevOps Expertise & Training

Who am I ?

Hey there ! πŸ‘‹ I'm Pierre, DevOps Expert, how can I help you?

I’m passionate about software development and tech in general. With 10 years of experience as DevOps Expert and Software Engineer, I advise teams, projects and businesses to achieve high velocity, efficiency and human cohesion through DevOps practices and methodologies, improving development workflows and Developer Experience.

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Open to work !

I'm open to work starting 10/2023 as a freelancer fully or partially remote and/or in Lyon, France. I can bring my experience to your teams and projects as DevOps Tech Lead, DevOps Architect or DevOps Expert.

Expertise and skills

Bringing DevOps to organizations, teams and humans

Bringing DevOps to organizations, teams and humans-logo

Bringing DevOps to your teams, organization and projects is no easy task. It requires evangelization, support from business, management and teams and an understanding of DevOps culture, practices and technologies. I can help you through this process:

  • Help your organization and people understand the value of DevOps, working with C-level, managers, teams and individual contributors.
  • Organize your teams and projects go get the most out of DevOps, helping them communicate and collaborate through short feedback loops and continuous improvement.
  • Define your DevOps Architecture, Roadmap & Toolchain, and follow through its implementation and various project management phases

DevOps practices and methodologies are numerous. Knowing where to start, neither doing too much nor too little and implementing them the right way requires good counseling - without forgetting we’re working with humans all along. A few well known DevOps practices I can help you with:

  • CI/CD - Continuous Integration, Deployment & Delivery
  • Cloud-first approach with AWS and Kubernetes
  • Kanban project management and Agile workflows
  • Software Development Lifecycle Automation
  • Security without sacrificing efficiency
  • IaC (Infrastructure as Code) & GitOps
  • Observability: Monitoring, Alerting & Logging
  • Continuous Feedback and short feedback loops
  • Developer Experience and human-first approach

DevOps practices and methodologies

DevOps practices and methodologies-logo

Technical expertise

Technical expertise-logo

My foremost passion is for software development, infrastructure & tech. I can provide expertise for:

  • Public Clouds: AWS, GCP, Azure, OVH
  • Kubernetes
    • Cluster deployment and administration (autoscaling, monitoring, etc.)
    • Helm, Kustomize, Traefik, Cert Manager, kubectl, K9S
  • Infrastructure as Code: Pulumi, Terraform, NixOS, Ansible
  • CI/CD: GitLab CI, GitHub Action, ArgoCD, Jenkins
  • Linux administration: Debian, Ubuntu, NixOS & various shells
  • Security tools: Hashicorp Vault, SOPS
  • Monitoring: Datadog, Elastic stacks (ELK…), Prometheus + Grafana
  • Development: Typescript, NodeJS, Rust, Python, Java, C
  • Web servers: Traefik, Nginx, Apache
  • Database engines: MySQL, Postgres, MongoDB

OSS projects I maintain (see my GitHub):

  • Novops - Secure cross-platform secret loader for development and CI environment
  • Cloud Sandbox Manager - Automatic provisioning of Cloud Linux instances for trainings

Training and Mentoring

Duration: 2-3 days or split into 3h sessions.
Languages: πŸ‡«πŸ‡· πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ - Customizable content following your needs.
French nationals: eligible to Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF)

Mastering Docker from Development to Production

Mastering Docker from Development to Production-logo

3-days training (or 3h on-demand sessions) to learn Docker from Development to Production. Training is strongly oriented towards practice and use of real-world examples from the industry.


  • Introduction: Docker, images & containers
  • Docker Compose
  • Deep-dive: build, images, volumes & networks
  • Production with Docker & advanced concepts:
    • Scalability
    • Reverse proxying
    • Security
    • Monitoring
    • CI/CD & software dev lifecycle with Docker
  • Tools ecosystem and related practices
  • Orchestration & Kubernetes introduction

Download summary (french)

Sessions and talks around various DevOps practices and methodologies

  • The Kanban method: visualize your workflow
  • DevOps practices and the value they provide
  • DevOps intro: Culture, Principles and Practices
  • CI/CD (Continuous Integration and Deployment): methodologies and tools
  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC): concept and tools
  • Microservice Architecture: do and don’t

Each session is about 2h to 3h and is strongly oriented towards practice, serious games and real-life examples.

Download summary (french)

DevOps Culture, Principles and Practices

DevOps Culture, Principles and Practices-logo

On-demand training and mentoring

On-demand training and mentoring-logo

You want a training on a specific subject or technology? You want to become a DevOps Engineer and wonder about the path to follow? You’re looking for a dedicated trainer or mentor for yourself or your team?

I regularly help teams and individuals evolve toward DevOps Engineering, either by formal training or by a period of mentoring during transition to a DevOps-oriented role. Contact me to discuss it in details !


I write technical articles about my experiences, best practices, technologies and ideas around tech & DevOps.

Come and take a look !


Pierre Beucher
DevOps Expert email-logo